Wednesday, May 15, 2013

First Post

This is my first blog post.. a post that I have been both dreading and anticipating for a long time. This post is not monumental in anyway. It’s just words on the page.  I wanted it to be earth shattering good…the type of blog that you would read and say “whoa, that was good!”  Or the type that you would “share” with all your friends on Facebook.  But, that is not what this is.

People, friends, strangers, have told me for a while now that I should have a blog. And, because I like to have a monopoly of internet based sites that are dependent on a name, I snaged before anyone else could (I’m also kamicia@hotmail; @gmail; @yahoo; kamiciam on twitter …ok, you caught me.. I was a bit too late on getting kamicia on twitter, so I have to settle with kamiciam.. if you keep reading, you will find out that this happens a lot). 

A few months ago I posted on Facebook that I would start my blog before I turned 31.. that didn’t happen.  (A big thank you to my friend Chad who was the ONLY friend who followed up with me on that promise.. so thank you Chad!)  I didn't keep my promise not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t have anything to say.  But it's happening now. I still don’t have anything to say, but at least I’m writing.  And that’s what writers do, right? 

The name of my blog, Shoe Size 10.5, is also the name of a book that I will *someday* write.  It’s a quirky tale about by quirky life and my quirky sized feet of 10.5.  Almost no shoe maker makes size 10.5 and even less retailers sell size 10.5. Because of that, when I find a shoe sized 10.5 I almost always buy it, most of the time without even trying it on.. because I know it will fit.  This is very analogous to my life. Most things don’t quite fit right. They are a bit too small.. or just a bit too big and I’m left to just deal with it.  But every once in a while this magical moment comes along and I snatch it up!


  1. I love it!! First blog posts are always the hardest! Now you will have tons more to say because you won't think every little one has to be super profound. :)
